Netflix | The Sandman Lullabies: AI-Powered Dreaming
Netflix's The Sandman becomes the first ever TV series to engage its fans while they were asleep delivering 60,000 nights of blissful dreaming.
An Augmented Reality Filter for HBO's Game of Thrones
By partnering with Mercado Libre and Electric Factory, we added a QR Code to every package they delivered to launch an augmented reality filter that allowed users to make a dragon appear anywhere they wanted. Dracarys!
Mountain Dew Animation for 'Kentucky Bottled'
Electric Studios convey the energy of Mountain Dew bringing postcards of the city where the drink was born to life in cel animation.
GDC | 2023 Recap
GDC is a conceptual adrenaline shot for consumer marketing. Find out what Michelle got excited about.
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Corona Extra O'Tannenpalm Tree Lot AR Experience
Corona Turns Its Famous Holiday Ad Into an Augmented Reality Experience. The beer company invites consumers to its virtual O'Tannenpalm's Tree Lot.
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